DM Akari Today!

And get banned from Chiaki Fan Club!

The Plan

  1. Join Chiaki Fan Club
  2. Send a DM to their bot, Anti-Bulli Akari3153
  3. Wait for your ban


You are now banned from Chiaki Fan Club!!!

Any questions?

Wait, will they actually ban me for DMing their bot?

Nao 08/10/2017
If you DM the bot @Anti-Bully Akari I'm banning you. This is not a joke. Do not try to be funny and test it out I will ban you.

He has to be joking, they won't ban people for THAT

I don't think he is, but there is only one way to find out for sure :thonk:

Why would they actually do that

I think it's like... A troll trap, because only brainless people who don't care about the mods and the server would DM the bot knowing it would get them banned...

But we'll do it anyway! DM Akari today!!!

Also apparently people did lewd things with the bot, so if you're gonna DM it, be sure to be as lewd and disgusting as possible.

What do I get for getting banned on purpose?


What do I lose for getting banned on purpose?

  • The right to access a cool server
  • Nice global emotes
  • Akari's respect and love
  • Your SWAG
  • The ability to DM Akari again

Wait, so why would I DM that bot?


Can I DM Nao instead? (The owner)

That can work too if you're annoying enough

About us

What we are

We are the AkariDM Foundation, we are a non-profit corporation, our goal is to spread the word about how important it is to DM Akari and get banned from Chiaki Fan Club.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make it so as many people as possible get banned for DMing Akari, we don't have any specific goal, we believe we must focus on the present, and the future is irrelevant to us.

However, we still want to become a charity as big and important as the Red Cross, because they may save lives, but we get people banned, we're the one who diserve all your money because we are behind a more important cause.

What we do

We encourage and recommend everyone to get banned for no reason, we try to convince people to do so in as many ways as possible, like door-to-door talk, informational website, educational videos... Kinda like a religion!

Who we are

idk, mainly shitposters. kek

How we will change the world

We want to start a big movement, a digital suicide movement! Just like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but bigger and better!
Let us all ban ourselves! DM Akari Today!

Please direct all donations (in flowers) to Pizzacus#2884! Thank you!
(Those donations aren't tax-deductible, fuck you.)

Akari Memes to spread the word!

100% Real Testimonials

DMing Akari is a unique experience.
No... Really... Like, you can only do it once, then... You're banned, you can't do it again, it's unique!

- Donald Trump

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits...
The retards who DM Akari are a perfect example for this.

- Albert Einstein (That's the full quote btw)

I used to waste my time chatting on Chiaki Fan Club all the time, but Akari changed that, now I can't go there anymore and I can spend my time on curing cancer! Or maybe chat on other servers IDK

- Anonymonos

What are you waiting for?
DM Akari Today!